On Gravity ('n other stuff…)
By Dale Bryant
All matter attracts all other matter; nature does, indeed, seem to abhor a vacuum, as if it were trying to recover a unity it once possessed by removing the space and occupying it with matter. However, space is utilized, in that, material objects travel through it from one point to another in trying to assume ventral, or, central positions from distal positions. It takes a measurable amount of time for this repositioning to occur; therefore, because of space, time exists. Time is only a measure of an object's relative position in space against some other position. It is only a perceived interval - an illusion bestowed upon creatures that happen to inhabit a world of three physical dimensions. Remove the space and you have essentially achieved time travel. All physical contact becomes instantaneous.
Because space is warped in the presence of material objects, gravity exists. This is what Einstein was referring to in 'space-time'. Space, time, gravity and acceleration are different states of the same thing, in the same way that ice, water and steam are different states of the same thing or that matter and energy are different states of the same thing. Einstein was looking for a way to unite these four things in his quest for a Unified Field Theory. You can see here how space, time and gravity are related. Einstein showed that gravity and acceleration are indistinguishable. Let’s say you are inside an elevator in a zero-g (free-fall, or, weightless) environment. The control panel indicates you are on the ground floor. You press the button marked ‘penthouse’ on the panel. The elevator starts to move ‘upward’. You feel your feet pressing into the floor of the elevator as you ‘ascend’ at a rate of 1g (one Earth gravity). But you are not only moving - you are accelerating - faster and faster toward the penthouse. As long as this acceleration is maintained, you are moving faster with each passing moment. You will, therefore, feel your feet pressing into the floor of the elevator for the entire trip. Without a window, and unless you knew otherwise, the sensation of your feet maintaining contact with the floor would tell you that you were experiencing normal Earth gravity (1g). This is how acceleration is indistinguishable from gravity. This is how acceleration relates to space, time and gravity - again, all different states of the same entity.
The unification here is clear. But if this is so, does it negate what is known as 'spooky action at a distance'? ‘Spooky action at a distance’ refers to an instantaneous reaction to some action or stimulus, regardless of distance. Why would 'spooky action' be permissible? Does nature attempt to unite matter even at the risk of making allowances for 'spooky action'?